Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead but this week we need to tell the rest of the story, better still, experience it somehow. Break it up into chunks, talk about the passover meal on Thursday, walk the stations of the cross with your kids on Friday, have a quiet and waiting day on Saturday and then let the party start on Sunday.
Last week
We talked about Jesus arriving in Jerusalem but coming in a way the people weren’t expecting, not riding on a war horse but on a baby donkey. Jesus is a very different kind of king. He doesn’t do things to be powerful or to have his own way, everything he does is because of love. It has always been like that. God has always been love, and Jesus shows us what that looks like.
We started colouring and cutting the characters and scene from the Easter story, once it’s finished you can use those people the tell the story as the week goes on.
Challenge: with our neighbours
Buy a few bunches of daffodils or other spring flowers and set them up in a bucket or a vase outside your house or in another public space with your sign that says, please take a flower - may it make you smile, Happy Easter.
Worship Dance Party
Worship isn’t fabulous on Zoom and so I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify that we’d have used if we were face to face.
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross
There will be twelve pictures set up in Delair Park for you to look at, I’ll be sending questions aimed at kids along with the refection questions for adults on Thursday. Time your walk through with another family if you want to - obviously do this in a safe way - you know the covid drill!
Delair Park, any time, 10am - 6pm
This coming Sunday
Sunday is the celebration of celebrations because Jesus is alive. We’re going to be drawing or painting lots of happy faces.
Let’s Pray
Jesus, walk with us through this week, may we remember again what you have done for us and for all that you love. We are thankful.
Prep for Sunday - thank you!
Colour the ‘please take a flower’ poster and get some flowers. Set it up to give away on Sunday. Paper, colours and/or paints if you’re feeling adventurous :) would be wonderful to have ready.
Question of the week
Ask yourself, as a sibling, as a parent, ask a friend - even ask a stranger…
What the most fun you ever had giving something?