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Spiritual Direction opportunity

Cathy AJ Hardy writes:

It is a privilege and great honour to write on behalf of the Soul Care School of Spiritual Direction, which began its inaugural year in 2020. We are currently running the second three-year program with fourteen participants, which started in the fall of 2023.

Spiritual Direction has been a profound accompaniment in my own personal story, and I believe this spiritual practice holds tremendous value for the times we are in. Accompanying individuals in awareness of their interior lives can yield a profound impact in their day-to-day lives, bringing a deeper consciousness of the Presence of God in all things and a greater integrity of being.

An aspect of our training program is for these new spiritual directors to have an opportunity to practice this skill of accompaniment with various people and learn from their experiences.

Sarah adds:

I would highly recommend giving this a go. Spiritual Direction is a wonderful process. If you would you like to consider being a volunteer and receive several free spiritual directions sessions as part of this training program's practicum then follow the link to complete the intake form.

I hope you will take them up on it!

Intake form.