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Giving thanks - what about you?

Two tone orange background with a fall wreath and a question as in the blog post

I know, Thanksgiving was so yesterday, but still gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving. Let’s keep going! Today, let’s talk about you! You are a glorious human being. You are created in the image of God and, as the psalmist says, ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’

What makes you fabulous? Where do your strengths lie? Perhaps your perceived weaknesses are also a gift. What is it that makes you thankful for the way you have been created, and the gifts in you that Creator has placed there to be a beneficial presence in the world?

Take a few minutes and do an inventory of your giftedness and your personality traits that highlight your beautiful uniqueness.

I’ll go first, I am thankful for my tenacity, my imagination, and ability to seek out joy. What about you?

‘What is an aspect of your personality that you are thankful for?’

Categories: Giving Thanks