‘How long, my Beloved?
Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I bear this pain in my soul,
and live with sorrow all the day?
How long with fear rule my life?’
It is important that we learn to lament. It is important that we take our complaints to the One who loves us most. God is ready to hear our anguished cries as we give voice to our own and the suffering of others.
We groan - How long…
If you are in the ‘how long’ it is good to witness to it. Speak it. Lament with all your heart. And then, when you are ready, read on with the rest of Psalm 13…
Notice my heart and answer me, O my Beloved;
enlighten me, lest I walk as one dead to life;
Lest my ego fears say,
“We have won the day;”
Lest they rejoice in their strength.
As I trust in your steadfast Love;
my heart will rejoice, for in You is freedom.
I shall sing to the Beloved,
who has answered my prayers
a thousand fold!
Come! O Beloved make your home
in my heart.
Take a deep breath in.
Take a longer breath out.
Be here.
Do that again.
Are you weeping? Are you crying out ‘how long’?
Are you rejoicing as in the last part of this Psalm as the Psalmist turns it around?
Wherever you are, whichever part of the Psalm you are in is where you should be.
Feel into it and feel through it.
Is there some comfort or an invitation from God in these verses for you?