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Serving Together

Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?” Romans 15:1-2 MSG

If you want to try something crazy this week try looking around as you enter a situation and ask yourself - what needs to be done? and then how can I help?  Or, if you want to try something really extreme try asking someone ‘how can I help you?’

Needs take time, some people have huge needs and some situations are so big that you could look at them and feel defeated before you even start and give up. But that is if you are looking to serve on your own. No single one of us can meet another persons needs, often we can’t even handle our own needs but together, with God’s help, now that’s a different matter.

We have the opportunity to do something together that will make a difference in our city. The FoodBank has empty shelves and are desperately in need of filling them so they can continue to give to those in need in our community.

Here's the email that came from the food bank this week:

My apologies for this rather unusual e-mail but I need to reach out for your support in prayer and food. For the second consecutive year we have nearly run out of food (10 days left as I write this). This is a very unusual position for us to be in and we have always believed that “God will provide”…and we still do!
However, being somewhat  practical in nature the bottom line is we still need food…quickly.

If you are not familiar with what we do our primary service is providing food for the less fortunate in our community.  We serve between 3000-4000 people every month.  These individuals and families receive about a 3-4 day’s supply of food.  Their income sources are varied but you may be interested to know that 18% of the adults we serve are working.  We have numerous other programs as well:

·         The Christmas Bureau
·         The Free Dental Clinic
·         Starfish Backpack Program  (We feed 263 elementary students every weekend)
·         The All Play Kids Sports Summer Soccer Camp
·         Cornerstone Kids Drop In Soccer
·         And so much more
We simply ask today that you consider having a food drive for us this Thanksgiving Season.   We would welcome you sharing this request with others in the Christian community that may consider helping us out.
Dave Murray & The Food Bank Family

This is something we can do to serve together as a church. Next Sunday, which is Thanksgiving, bring donations for the Food Bank and we’ll make sure it gets to them on Tuesday morning. Obviously feel free to drop it in there ahead of time but I think it would be great to see what we can achieve together, as a church team, I think all the food we bring will be a great visual of what we can do when we work together. No one of us can meet the needs of the 4000 people they feed every month but together we can make a difference. If you aren’t going to be here next Sunday then give your donation to someone in your connect group to bring for you.

This is a simple mission for all of us to be involved in but I wonder what mission God has for your family or for your connect group? What has He equipped you for in the people that He has put together in one place?

I want God to spark an imagination in us for something that we couldn’t possibly do on our own but that with the help of those He has placed around us and with the Holy Spirit to guide us we can do to serve together.
Let's be asking the questions... ‘What needs to be done and how can WE help?’

Looking at the needs in the world can be overwhelming and even discouraging and we may be tempted to ask God why He isn’t doing anything about it… but maybe He’s asking us that question… maybe that’s what He has put us here for.

So, here’s the simple mission for us all for next Sunday as a big TEAM working and serving together - let’s overwhelm the Food Bank with so much food they don’t have room for it all.

Categories: Generous Giving , Sermon Series