Easter Season
Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead but this isn’t a one day only kind of thing - Jesus is alive and that’s good news for every week! This is Easter, part 7
On Sunday…
We made some rather tricky origami doves! Nice work everyone! Ruairi told us the story of the Holy Spirit coming on the Romans too. Peter and his friends were surprised but this helped them realize that God has enough love for the whole wide world.
Challenge: In my friends
Ask Jesus to bring people to mind to make a portrait of. Maybe do one a day for this whole week - as you paint them or draw them pray for them and ask Jesus to remind them that His love is big enough for them and everyone they know too.
Worship Dance Party
Worship isn’t fabulous on Zoom and so I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify that we’d have used if we were face to face.
This coming Sunday
This story tells of Matthias’s joining the 12 disciples. We don’t know anything about him other than he had been with Jesus from the beginning beginning. Knowing Jesus is the important thing, for Matthias and for us too.
The disciples had two guys they could choose between. It was a tricky decision and so they prayed about it. We can ask God anything at any time. He is always listening. We can ask Him for wisdom and help whenever we need it and we trust that He will help us make a good decision like the 11 disciples did when they chose Matthias to join them. Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
Learn together
But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. God is generous. He enjoys giving to all people, so God will give you wisdom. James 1:5
Let’s Pray
Dear God, sometimes it can be hard to make big decisions. We think about all that might go wrong. We worry about making the wrong choice. Help us be like the apostles who asked you for help making their decision and help us trust you in all we do. Amen.
Prep for Sunday - thank you!
Either print out the colouring page or copy it onto paper.
Get some string long enough to make some bunting.
Kids will need colours, scissors and a glue stick.
Question of the week
Ask yourself, as a sibling, as a parent, ask a friend - even ask a stranger…
What do you do when you have to make a big decision?